Medication management tailored to your unique needs

Do you feel like you are taking too many prescription medications?

Call Your Personal Pharmacist

Having your own personal pharmacist and healthcare advocate might sound expensive but we offer affordable plans to fit all budgets — Including a FREE 30 minute consultation

Patrick’s Work Featured in The Media

If you feel like you are taking too many pills, lost in the healthcare system or frustrated because your issues are not resolving like you hoped, you may need a pharmacist healthcare advocate. Patrick works with people from all backgrounds and all walks of life to ensure they are getting the best treatment possible. Our program strongly believes healthcare is a team effort, by engaging the patient and their providers, shoring up communication gaps and keeping the healthcare environment stress-free we can help you on your path to better health.

Subscriptions, retainers and hourly rates are available, and best of all, when you contact our office your first point of contact will ALWAYS be a human that cares about you and your healthcare needs!

The following are example scenarios where the patient’s health greatly improved due to having a pharmacist healthcare advocate on their healthcare team:

A patient presented to our office feeling miserable and recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, in addition, the patient was prescribed new medications they had never taken before. After 2 weeks the patient stated the medications made them feel worse, they were tired more than usual, forgetting their words and complained about muscle weakness. Patrick performed a full review and a few minutes into the consult Patrick noticed they were not supplementing with Vitamin B Complex, which was being depleted by the new medication. The patient did not remember being informed about this side effect by the prescriber and was recommended to start supplementing with Vitamin B complex. Within 2 weeks the patient was feeling much better and back to their day-to-day.

A Patient contacted our office due to a history of stroke. They needed help organizing the new medications prescribed, finding a doctor that can work with mental health conditions that occur post-stroke, and easing the confusion that occurs after having a stroke. Our client felt like their life was going 100 m.p.h., everyone was moving considerably faster and they felt left behind by the world. We consolidated many aspects of their healthcare, attended appointments with them, organized the prescribers and the pharmacy to dispense only the medications they needed. The patient began to feel better, tackle more issues outside of their healthcare, sleep better at night, and start to reunite with friends and feel better overall. Their doctors noticed the improvement as well as their friends and family. Even with our services installed, the patient saved money on healthcare by avoiding the hospital, paying only for medications and supplements they needed and booking out healthcare appointments further apart because of improving health and wellness.

A patient contacted our office with worsening type 2 diabetes. The patient had multiple specialists prescribing medications for various conditions but some of the prescribers offices never communicated. They had been with their doctors for years and over time their doctors became involved in different health systems and moved around to different offices. The patient was under the assumption that her prescribers were in communication, however, they were not because of the previous limitations. She had two prescribers prescribing diabetes medications, and two prescribers prescribing other medications for chronic conditions. Additionally, the patient filled at two different pharmacies limiting the pharmacists abilities to inform the prescribers of duplicate medications and potential interactions. Once we got to work on this patient case we shored up communication gaps and even successfully advocated for medications to be deprescribed and others dosages reduced. The patient’s A1c began decreasing with some moderate lifestyle changes and no episodes of hypoglycemia.

Discover the Path to Healthier Living

Feeling overwhelmed by the intricacies of the healthcare system? You're not alone. At Your Tampa Healthcare Advocates, we understand the stress and confusion that often accompany healthcare decisions. Meet Patrick, our dedicated owner and a trusted pharmacist with a singular focus – advocating for your healthcare.

Who We Are

Patrick isn't just a pharmacist; he's a professional on a mission to help you navigate the challenging and bewildering healthcare landscape. His passion lies in making medications work better and improving the health of our clients.

Your Journey Begins Here

We're here to raise your awareness about the wealth of healthcare options available to you. With Patrick's guidance as a patient and medical care advocate, you'll gain a clear understanding of your choices and how they impact your well-being.

Why Choose Us?

Your Tampa Healthcare Advocates is committed to optimizing your medication experience and empowering you to achieve optimal health. We understand the stress and confusion that often accompany healthcare decisions. Let us alleviate that burden, so you can make informed choices for a healthier future.

Join us on this journey toward better health. Explore our services, stories, and expertise as we guide you through your healthcare experience. Click HERE for more information.